born 2009
1,43 m
BLUP 121
Laxnes frá Lambanesi is a world class 5 gaiter and T2 horse. He has also done already very well in pacetest.
He has already scored well over 7,50 in T2, well over 7 in F1 and 6,75 in pacetest just 9 years old.
So if you are looking for a horse for the WC 2019 he is the perfect choice!
But just see for yourself:
Laxnes is very well trained, knows all the exercises and is super!!! fun to ride. He has a great character, calm and relaxed but with all the power you need when asked for.
But even so Laxnes is a ,,ready'' horse he is still in the very beginning of his career with just 9 years.
He could also be a perfect choice for a young rider who really wants to go to the top at an international level.
Beside his obvious qualities for sport he is also great for breeding. Just 5 years old he received amazing 8,77 for ridden abilities (8,46 in total) with 9 for tölt, pace, general impression, spirit and proportions.
His breeding line is top of the line. His father Kiljan frá Steinnesi (over 9 for ridden abilities) received honory prize for offsprings this year. His mother Sveifla frá Lambanesi has given beside Laxness many more high judged offsprings like for example the Landsmót winner Sirkus frá Garðshorni á Þelamörk.