BLUP 121
Born 2016
Chestnut with a star and a snip
Now I am allowed to offer sth. really special, sth what is normally NEVER for sale!
Mjölnir frá Miðakri is a 2016 born stallion out of the 2 times!!!!! Landmót winner Ölnir frá Akranesi (8,82 in total, 9,09 for ridden abilities) and the super first prize (also with high marks in competition) mare Sýn frá Grafarkoti which received her first prize assessment (8,12) just 4 years old!!!
Sýn is out of a first prize daughter of the great Hervar frá Sauðárkróki (also her mother Harpa frá Hnjúki has first prize) and the honory prize stallion Sólon frá Skáney.
Beside her pedigree which strongly backs up Sýns strong hereditary disposition, she has already proven that she is a TOPTOPTOP breeding mare! The first daughter of Sýn received this year, only 5 years old, already high first price with 8,22! So you can see, there are over many generations’ only first prize and honory prize horses in Mjölnirs pedigree!!!
The young stallion looks extremely promising. He is very big and extremely beautiful build with long legs and a very beautiful top line with high set, long and soft neck. He is 5 gaited, shows all gaits with high and very wide movements and will have clearly a lot of speed in all gaits. Also the character seems to be very nice and easy, like both of his parents. Here you have the unique opportunity to buy you a stallion which, in my clear opinion, with do amazing things in the future!
(on the pictures you can see his father Ölnir and his mother Sýn. both parents have an absolut perfect!!! character and can be ridden by children!)