Fróðá frá Brautarholti is an extremly talented very beautiful young mare.
She shows very good movements with high and very wide movements, active behind legs. She shows a lot of speed in trot. The young mare shows very fine reactions.
She has a very elegant long high set neck, long legs, elegant body.
Fróðá has a very good pedigfree. Her father Fróði frá Staðartungu is the Landsmotwinner 2012 in 5 Gait (A Flokkur). He is judged with 8,59 in total, 8,85 for ridden abilities.
The mother of Fróðá is Brynglóð frá Brautarholti, a fantastic 4 gaited mare judged with 8,18 in total, 9,5 for neck, 9 for trot, gallop, general impression and spirit. She is a daughter of the honoryprice mare Ambátt frá Kanastöðum. Her father is Hrynjandi frá Hrepphólum who is for example the father of our world champion Hnokki frá Fellskoti.